Meet Michelle

My personal development journey started in 1995…

…when I was introduced to Tony Robbins’ 30-day “Personal Power” program.

During that 30 days, my eyes were opened to possibility.

I had gotten a taste of what my life was supposed to look like. 

Let me tell you, it was…delicious

I wanted more. And that was the moment my love affair with personal development began.

Since then, I’ve examined this space inside and out to discover the top ways to live a peaceful yet vibrant life on a daily basis.

My excitement moved me from learning and growth to becoming a certified coach and podcaster. In the midst of this experience, I realized that I could use my writing to help personal development speakers promote themselves to their potential and current clients.

September 1, 2024, marks a major milestone for my business: 25 years of serving national and international writing clients. 

I would welcome the opportunity to support you as well.

Let’s connect to discuss the quickest, most effective way to build your email list so you can begin reaching your ideal clients with minimal effort.

My friends call me "Z."

My friends call me "Z."

Jesus Follower.

Nap Lover.

Lifelong Learner.

Fun Seeker.

Pilates Devotee.

Arts Fanatic.

Certified Coach.

Recovering Vegetarian.

Enthusiastic Reader.

Proud Native Texan.

Personal Development Ghostwriter.

Messaging Consultant.

Gallup Strengths


Top Values

Love & Connection
Fun & Laughter

Spiritual Gifts


I started reading when I was
2 years old.

I’ve turned the 20-minute power nap into an art form.

I start my day with Pilates, decaf & Jesus.