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100 Episodes! A Look Back, Lessons Learned In Midlife And Where We Go From Here

Welcome to the 100th episode of The Easy Aging® Show! I'm so excited to have hit this milestone: 100 episodes, nearly 15,000 downloads. It will be two years this October since this modest little podcast came into existence.

Today, I'm going to reflect on a few things and lessons learned that can serve as takeaways, then we're going to see what the future holds.

Let's start with my latest life transition. A week or two ago, I moved back to San Antonio, Texas. I've been percolating on this for a while because moving back here was always "the plan."

I left San Antonio and went to Fort Worth when I was grieving my mother. I felt like I needed to get some space away from San Antonio for a while. I wanted to move to Fort Worth for a couple of years and get to know my extended family a bit better. I thought, "I'll be there two or three years and then I'll move back to San Antonio." That was Plan A.

But then...Covid. (oof!) The pandemic delayed me for a few years but recently I was feeling that stirring and I thought, "It's time for a change."

When I get that feeling, I immediately start praying and asking God for wisdom and clarity. That's the most important part of the clarity process for me. It's creating that space to listen and be still so I can hear what's going to happen next.

That's how I realized it was time to get back to San Antonio. And today I'm thrilled to be recording from my new home office in San Antonio. Okay, now let's talk about three lessons learned since I started my podcast.

1. Reflecting on why I started the podcast

I started the podcast because I've learned a lot through my personal development studies, trainings and mentors. Oh my gosh, it's made my life so much easier. My mindset became lighter. I didn't worry or fret over things as much.

Those emotional dips that I took didn't take as long to get over. They started becoming more of a blip on the radar than those long, drawn out periods where I was in a funk.

I started this podcast because I knew I could use this information to help other midlifers take some of the heaviness of aging off themselves. Because sometimes, aging feels so heavy and so inevitable, doesn't it? But it doesn't have to be that way.

These can literally be the best years of our lives. That's why I created Easy Aging®.

Easy Aging® is a mindset, an attitude. It means fully understanding that your brain is your best anti-aging tool, and that midlife changes don't have to be hard.

Grasping on to the idea that your brain is your best anti-aging tool is huge, and it plays a crucial role in whether your day will feel heavy or light. It's crucial in determining whether you're going to create the results you want or not. You get to choose.

That's why it's my privilege and honor to give you the tools and strategies that you need so you can choose a simpler, more peaceful way to live in midlife.

2. Consistency is power

Consistency is power. It doesn't matter how big or small your first step is. If you commit to following it with a second step the next day, and a third step the day after and so on, you're going to see results.

These fun-sized actions are designed to ensure consistency for the long-term. The best way to start is small. But today, it feels like nobody wants to do that anymore. They want to dive in and dominate the goal and tame this beast. (insert growling sound here) If that works for you, go for it.

But for most of us, baby steps work best so we don't go into overwhelm.

When I committed to this podcast, I knew there was going to be a learning curve and I was willing to take that path. I took one baby step then another because I knew the more I did this, the better I was going to get. That would make the whole thing easier, and then I'd have more fun with it.

And honestly, I'm having a blast with the podcast right now. At the beginning, I wasn't having that much fun. But in retrospect, it was so worth it to reap these current rewards.

And it's the same thing with you and your path. The smaller the step, the more likely you'll do it. And the more consistent you are, the more powerful you'll become. Whatever you're trying to achieve — consistency is power.

3. Relax, lighten up

I have to keep telling myself this because I used to be a perfectionist. I used to think that if I didn't do it perfectly, people would be upset with me. My self-worth was ensconced in what I did, not who I was. The doing part of things is where my self-worth lived. It took me a long time to start relaxing about it.

At this point, I would like to say that I've completely released this idea and it doesn't hinder me anymore. It's a lovely idea, but it's not true.

I've realized that even though I've done the work to change my mindset and I'm doing much better now, I'm still not there yet.

With the podcast, I've put a ton of pressure on myself to give you an episode every week at 5am without delay. There have been more than a few nights where I was absolutely exhausted but I still had to get a new episode out on time.

When I think back on those experiences and how I felt, I decided it's time to lighten up. My goal is to have an episode waiting for you when you wake up on Wednesday mornings. But there may be days when it shows up a little later. Last week I let it go completely because I was so tired from the move, I couldn't even think of anything to say to you. 

Just between you and me, letting it go felt good. Taking a little time off let me come back fresh and focused. 

I wanted to address something that you're probably wondering about if you've listened for a while. I was talking about the online course for a bit, and then I stopped because I started rethinking what I wanted it to look like.

Full disclosure: I also picked up a full-time client so working 40 hours a week and producing a podcast in the evening and trying to put together an online course was a lot for me. I'll be picking up the course again this summer and plan to have something ready for you by the fall.

A couple of more things...

I encourage you to become an Easy Aging® Insider so you can get the scoop on what's going on. You'll get a weekly email with information on the latest podcast episode along with your 60-Second Midlife Musing.

The musings are quick little ideas, thoughts or life hacks that take 60 seconds or less to read. They're simple things to think about, whether you're at home or on-the-go, and they don't require a whole lot from you because I know you're busy.

And I have to admit, one of the things I've been doing badly is promoting the show by asking for reviews from you. Reviews are important to keeping the show going because that's the primary way others hear about it.

One of the best ways to share the show is to give a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. This helps extend the show's reach and encourage other midlifers to listen so they, too, can get some new insights and perspective on this little adventure we're calling midlife.

If you haven't already given me a five-star rating and review, please go to and scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on how to do that.

BONUS: If you leave a review, your name will be in the pot to receive a copy of the new online course, the Easy Aging® Blueprint when it's available.

What does this mean to you? It means that you'll be a founding member of the Easy Agers, and you'll have access to me during the initial run-through of the course.

I'm going to be having office hours for Q&As about the course and what you like, don't like, and what you'd like to see more of. You're going to help shape the course for others as well as for yourself.

You'll receive lifetime access to the course so you can go back and review it at your convenience. Tony Robbins says, "Repetition is the mother of skill" so it may take a couple of times for you to go through this and have it start resonating with you at a deeper level.

Lastly, I want to say thank you for going on this journey with me. Whether you're a new listener or you've been around for a while, my gratitude has no bounds and I appreciate you and your willingness to listen each week. That means so much to me. 

Grab your free copy of How To Reclaim Your Energy And Kick Midlife Blues To The Curb: A Simple Guide

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