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Two Quick Ways To Get A New Midlife Perspective And Get Out Of Your Rut!

Ah, new midlife perspective. Who doesn't need it? One of the big things about midlife is getting stuck in ruts. But it's a bit of a balancing act: what's the difference in a rut and a routine? Let's look at this a little more closely.

Routines are comforting. They create certainty in our lives, and that makes us feel safe. Because knowing what's going to happen next is stabilizing and helps you feel grounded. But sometimes a routine can turn into a rut.

Ruts happen when you get so stuck in your comfort zone that you don't want to do anything — you don't want to change, you don't want to branch out, you don't want to try anything new, you just want to stay stuck.

It happens to all of us but when it happens, you're definitely in need of new midlife perspective. New perspective can make a world of difference.

Two ways to get new midlife perspective quickly

Here are a couple of ways to help you shake things up if you're in a midlife slump:

1. Get out of your environment. There are two types of people: those who overthink and those who don't think at all. If you're an overthinker, I would highly encourage you walk it off and get out of your environment. And if you don't think at all and are on autopilot most of the day you, too, need to walk it off and get out of your environment.

Same answer for two completely different mindsets. Just stepping away from the norm for even a few minutes can give you new midlife perspective. The secret is to keep it simple.

For example, if you have lots of laundry, why don't you go to the laundromat instead of doing it at home? I know that sounds weird, but stay with me. I used to love going to the laundromat just to get out of the house. I needed to shake things up and do something a little different.

Sometimes I would meet someone new and have a really interesting conversation. Sometimes it was slow and hardly anyone was there, so I'd just listen to the hum of the washers and the dryers. I would let my mind wander, I would daydream and let me tell you, I came up with some of my best ideas ever! When I was done, I'd feel refreshed and have clean clothes. 

If you walk daily, go in a different direction. If you care for your grandkids, do something different with them instead of the same old stuff. They're always up for some new fun. If you watch TV after dinner, what about stepping outside and watching the stars instead?

These are tiny things that you can do to get yourself out of your regular environment and can be one of the most powerful ways to get new midlife perspective. It's important to take advantage of every opportunity you can to get out of your environment and shake things up.

2. Get curious. Getting curious really means getting out of your head. The moment you get out of your head, you can get new perspective and consider all the possibilities. And that's one of the hardest things about being in a rut. You've closed yourself off from possibilities that could be sitting right in front of you.

When we were younger, life was more interesting because everything was new, everything sparked our curiosity and because of that, we explored and we asked questions and tried new things all the time. That's why life felt so much more exciting and interesting. It only makes sense that getting curious again would put a spark back in midlife living, don't you think?

Start asking yourself questions about why you do what you do. How can you shake up your daily routine? If something intrigues you, don't dismiss it — pursue it! Poke around it, see if there's something there that can help you think differently. Who knows? You may even find a new hobby or a new interest in that little bitty flicker of intrigue. Don't disregard that flicker in any way. Because that's what new perspective is all about.

Use one or both of these suggestions to start shaking things up. It's just a matter of time before you start seeing new possibilities and you get new perspective in your life.

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