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No More Zero Days: A Simple Concept To Keep You On Track And On Top Of Your Midlife Goals

Today we're talking about experiencing No More Zero Days. I'm going to explain what this simple concept is so you can begin applying it to your life immediately. 

Let me start with a story. This past Sunday, I wasn't feeling well. I came home from church and realized I had a sore throat and intense headache. I tried the neti pot and then I took a nap, but neither one of these helped. I ended up taking a hot Epsom salt bath and going to bed early.

When I woke up, I didn't have the sore throat but I still had the headache. And when your head's throbbing, you definitely don't feel like working, right?

As I was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling, I thought, "No, you can't not work today. You've got to do something, even if you're lying down."

I decided that, in my mind, I would start working through today's topic and what I want to say. While I was there, I said, "Hey, I'll figure out all of August's episodes too." I jotted a few notes down, and it ended up being a semi-productive day.

I did something even though it was small, and that's what the No More Zero Days concept is about.

What is a Zero Day?

A zero day is when you make absolutely no progress at all on your goal or dream. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

I've had plenty of zero days in my past and I've beaten myself up for it way too much over the years. It was ridiculous how much self-loathing I was capable of.

But as I prayed about this situation and my slothfulness as I to it, I realized that I didn't have to have zero days anymore. I realized that I could make a decision to not do this anymore and to stop beating myself up.

Crazy as it sounds, this was a bit of an "aha" moment for me. That's because I used to think that if I wasn't slugging it out, having my nose to the grindstone, doing the grit, grind and hustle, and perspiring -- if all that wasn't happening -- I thought was not being productive.

Have you ever had that moment when you realize that things don't have to look a certain way? I remember thinking that even if it's 11:59 at night, I can still do something on this day to be productive, to make progress on my dream or my goal, even if it's tiny.

So I started doing it. This was when I learned how to not just make promises to myself, but I learned how to keep them. I was so good at keeping promises to everyone else in my life, and I was so bad at breaking the promises I made to myself.

I learned that even fun-sized actions can get me where I want to be. I discovered that these little bite-sized nuggets of action could create permanent lasting change in my life. All of this was way before I'd even heard of zero days. I was thrilled when I found out it actually had a name.

No More Zero Days is such a simple concept, don't you think? You can start implementing it right now and see results before midnight tonight.

Why No More Zero Days is so effective

No More Zero Days encourages momentum. I don't know about you, but when I miss one day and then I miss two or three days, it is a very easy slide for me to move into missing a week or two weeks, then a month or two months.

But if you make a commitment to No More Zero Days, you can actually look in the mirror and be proud of what you've accomplished. Even if it's at 11:59 at night, you can do this, friend. You can do one sit-up. You can write one sentence. You can read one paragraph or one chapter.

The possibilities of how to use this are endless.

You'll also want to keep track of how many days in a row you have No More Zero Days. Because seeing this on your calendar is going to encourage you to not break the streak. This has worked many times for me. It'll encourage you to take that tiny little fun-sized action so you can keep going, and you can keep that promise you made to yourself.

Let's all commit to No More Zero Days, what do you say? Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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